Some of our guests have had difficulty finding us over the years.
You can either type in our coordinates of which there are 2 formats depending on the gps you are using :
- Decimal Degrees (DD) N 45.96126 E0.52819.
- Degrees Minues Seconds (DMS) - 45°57'38"N 0°31'39"
Alternatively type in the postcode 16450 and then the village- Le Fournet – if it asks for a door number we are number 8. This will bring you straight to our doorstep.
Lastly - if -Le Fournet- does not come up on your Sat nav type in 16450, then the road name D345 (selecting the anywhere option on this road). This will bring to within about 100 yards of us.
There are many ways to travel to Camp Laurent depending on your place of departure. If you set your detination to our local village of Saint Laurent de Ceris then use our little map below to take you the last few miles to Camp Laurent.
Poolside at Camp Laurent
Chilling at Camp Laurent
Relaxing at Camp Laurent
Fun at Camp Laurent
Exploring at Camp Laurent
Fishing at Camp Laurent